A Room For All Our Tomorrows - Igor x Moreno

A Room For All Our Tomorrows begins with no capital letter; Nothing to be announced in advance and no conventional gesture, to signify that now is the time for viewers to stop and pay attention. Still, we listen to the pronounced statement on instant display and attention is exactly what Moreno Solinas, one half of Igor x Moreno, is met with as he bounds into the space, the bright pink, double breasted suit he wears failing to be louder than the accompanying stifled groans escaping from his mouth. Slicing through the air with choppy turns and skittish hops, his feet rarely rooting in one spot for too long, Moreno covers the entire white-washed floor space before Igor Urzelai enters to join him, allowing the duet to officially begin. Complete with an equally flamboyant, but distinctly tartan, suit and an inarticulate wailing as the self-projected sound, Igor matches Moreno’s play with movement free of technical restriction but rich in flare and buoyancy. With the ambiguity of pleasure and pain apparent in their individual tones, often falling into and out of musical and physical harmonisation, the duo provides the internal sounds of the body with a vessel and method of external and inescapable release.


As the two navigate a vocal and physical exploration of human connection and behaviour, the anxious chuckles from audience members, that once echoed throughout the room at the beginning of the 55-minute piece, transitions into genuine laughter and amusement as the pair sit down over coffee. A repetitive cycle of making, drinking and spilling ensues, coffee allowed to form an ever expanding, and self-directing, puddle on the floor. Animated, expressive and unadulterated, this double-act need no words to translate those moments, ‘between coffee and dancing’, where concerns of proximity and intimacy are comical but are, ultimately, unapologetically human.

Location of performance: The Place, London.

For more information on the work of Igor x Moreno click the button below.


Ghost and John, Monika Blaszczak and Juan Sánchez Plaza - Resolution 2020